Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Aztec Indians, Who Are Known For Their Essays - Aztec Gods

The Aztec Indians, who are known for their domination of southern and central Mexico, ruled between the 14th and 16th centuries. Their name is derived from Azatlan, the homeland of the north. The Aztecs also call themselves Mexica and there language came from the Nahuatlan branch of the Uto-Aztecan family. The Aztecs were formed after the Toltec civilization occurred when hundreds of civilians came towards Lake texcoco. Late families were unfortunate and were forced to go to the swamp lands. In the swamp lands there was only one piece of land to farm on and it was totally surrounded by more marshes . The Aztec families some how converted these disadvantages to a might empire known as they Aztec Empire. People say the empire was partially formed by a deeply believed legend. As the the legend went it said that Aztec people would create a empire on in a swampy place where they would see an eagle eating a snake while perched on a cactus which is growing out of a rock in the swamplands. This is what priests claimed they saw while entering the new land. By the year 1325 Their capital city was finished. They called it Tenochtitlan. In the the capital city aqueducts (piping) were constructed, bridges were built, and chinapas were made. Chinapas were little islands formed by pilled up mud. On these chinapas Aztecs grew corn, beans, chili peppers, squash, tomatoes, and tobacco. Tenochtitlan (the capital city) was covered in giant religious statues in order to pay their respects to the gods. In the Aztec religion numerous gods controlled an Aztecs daily life. Some of these gods include: Uitzilpochtli (the sun god), Coyolxauhqui (the moon goddess), Tlaloc (the rain god), and Quetzalcoatl (the inventor of the calendar and writing). Another part of the Aztec religion was human sacrifices. For their sacrifices the priest would lay the man or woman over a convex (rounded) stone, then he would take a sharp knife and cut the victims heart out. They did this because they believed that good gods could prevent bad gods from doing evil things and they also believed that good gods got their strength from human blood and hearts so they had sacrifices in order to keep their gods strong. For major rituals warriors were sacrificed, for the warrior this was one of the greatest honors and for minor rituals prisoners were used. In an Aztec marriage the grooms shirt is tied to the brides dress in order to express there bonding and after the wedding incents were burned for 4 days before proceeding with the marriage. In 1519 Hernando Cortes, a Spanish explorer, led over 500 men into Aztec territory to search for gold. Aztecs thought he was a representative for a certain white skinned god so they respected him. It all changed when the Aztecs saw that Hernando was melting down their golden statues and shipping them back to Spain. The Aztecs decided to attack Hernando and his men. The Aztecs were successful and drove the Spanish away. In 1520 the Spanish attacked the Aztecs capital city and destroyed their civilization. That was the end of the Aztecs mighty empire had built so long ago. Work Cited 1) Aztec Indians. Young Students Learning Library. 1993 2) Encarta 96. CD-ROM. U.S. Microsoft, 1996.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Christ in the Workplaces Essays

Christ in the Workplaces Essays Christ in the Workplaces Paper Christ in the Workplaces Paper While reading this book, I became keenly aware as a Christian of my role for Christ in the workplace. I had not addressed the issue of what I as a Christian could do in the workplace except share my beliefs with others when the occassion availed itself. In a way I believe I have been doing what the authors have suggested, sharing Christ with my coworkers. On the other hand, I do not think that I have taken it to the depth or with the conviction and missionlike attitudes ascribed by the authors. By that I mean I have always realized that there is a definite difference between how people act and react at work and how they act and react in church or at Christian functions and how some of those same people compromise their beliefs at work. I never fully understood how I as a Christian could make a religious difference in my coworkers lives by how I treated my work. Doug Sherman and William Hendricks touch on this ideal in the first section of their book Your Work Matters to God. The first section titled, How Christians View Work taught me first, that what I was observing and feeling was not unique. The fact that many people compromise their Christian beliefs or have no Christian beliefs at all in the workforce is saddening. What is even more saddening is the fact that many people are working and feeling that God does not acknowledge, appreciate or feel that their work is even worth the effort. Also, many are working for reasons that are not biblical, even though they profess to be Christians. I agree with the authors that in todays workplaces, some people have chosen to keep Christ out of the workplace while communing with Him in a church setting. The authors describe this action as the Christian shuttling between two disparate worlds.(p. 21) Doing so can cause tension for the Christian worker. Another avenue some Christians have taken in regard to their work is that their work is not as important as their religious work or spiritual issues. These are people who unlike the first group do not waffle between secular and sacred, but hold the sacred far above the secular or work world. According to Sherman and Hendricks, this attitude can leave people with the feeling that their work has no value in regards to what their religious life can offer. Considering that an abundant amount of a persons time is spent at work, these people in turn feel that they have no value to God and that in terms of work God considers them second class citizens. A third issue deals with a person placing all their value on their work and none on religion. They have not come to the realization that because they spend most of their time at work, that their religion should also be an intricate part of that world and that their work actually matters to God. All three of these views can be observed in the workplace at one time or another among Christians. I agree with the authors on all three of these points and how they affect the Christian in the workplace, because having worked in the corporate world and having had the opportunity to try and share Christ with others, as well as deal with issues of how and if my work matters to Christ, I have observed all three of these circumstances. The fact of the matter is though, I had never placed much thought of what if anything I could do to help my fellow coworkers relate Christ into their work and the importance of their work to Christ. Truth be told, until I read this book, I was not sure how important my own work was to Christ. My mission had been one of trying to get people to accept Christ as Savior, but I had not shown them, nor really was I aware of how to show them how once Christ came into their lives, how He wanted to become an intricate part of every aspect of it including their work. This book has offered a new found freedom of what my work actually does in terms of helping people and how God views my work. I work for a company that deals with behavior management for people with a variety of developmental disabilities as well as mental health and substance abuse issues. Part of my job as director of this program, is to insure that these people are matched up with the right technician to help them achieve a set of predetermined therapeutic goals. I also have to oversee opportunities for new clients and new personnel to work with these clients. My job entails having a good report with persons at the county mental health department as well as answering to the CEO. Wearing that many hats is a task especially when having to deal with so many different personalities. Not only do I have people who are accountable to me, but I am accountable to my CEO not only for what I do, but for those whom I supervise. I am accountable and hold accountable those who work at the Mental Health center as well. In all, until reading this book, I had issues with the importance God placed on what I do. I know that the field I am in helps people to become more independent emotionally and psychologically, but I could not see where I ultimately did anything that mattered to God. Now I understand that through my role in the company, I ensure that the consumer gets quality healthcare with a technician that they are best suited with, who has that consumers best interest in getting them better or at least better than they have been. I in turn am helping that consumers family to have a better quality of life with their family member. I am helping the CEO of the company to do the same thing as well as help the company make a profit by securing more business through the Mental Health Department and retaining consumers through quality care. I am helping the technician help others along with helping them to provide for their familys needs and I am helping the community as a whole by providing a service for persons that the mainstream world has virtually decided needs to be put away. Before, I always thought of myself as someone who went to work did my job and went home to my family. I knew that I helped people, but never knew how God felt about my work. After reading this book, especially the section on How God Views Work, I have a better understanding of how God perceives the work we do. When I read about creation in Genesis, (what Christian hasnt?), it was like reading it again for the first time. When I relate the story of creation to work, I see now that God planned it in the beginning for work to be a good and profitable venture. By allowing Adam and Eve to be the overseers of all of His creation firstly showed how much love he had for us and secondly demonstrated how much he trusted us. He did not lock up or secure the tree of good and evil, he just gave us instructions not to eat of its fruit. Again, God is showing us that he trusts us and he allows us to work unsupervised. A good point that Sherman and Hendricks make in regard to how God views work is how they parallel the fact that not only is God a workercreating the heavens and the earth and all the things in it, but that he allows us to who were created in His image to be his coworkers and offers us reward for our work. (p. 81-82). The idea that God worked should show us that he values work. This is a point the authors provide, and I agree with their point. (p.77-81). They do however touch on the point that there is legitimate work. This reiterates what I stated at the beginning of this text in terms of how good, Christian people sometimes compromise their Christianity at work. Sometimes they work in ventures that are not completely wholesome nor purposeful to Gods will or plan. They lie, cheat, steal or devise machinations at work that they would never contemplate at church or around a group of Christians. These types generally fall into the group who waffle between secular and sacred. Who do not have the understanding that their work matters to God and that they need to incorporate biblical principles into their work and stop grieving the Spirit as it were. They are not only letting God down, they are raising questions to whether they are true Christians, and they are also causing missed opportunities to be taken seriously as a Christian to non-Christians and win them over to Christ. I like the idea of the business model in the section on What Difference Does It Make .(p.122-124) This model really struck home with me and aided me in my realization as to how my work mattered to God. As I previously stated, in my job, I deal with clients/consumers (customers), technicians (employees) and my CEO (employer). Using this model helps me to understand the role I play and the role that those around me play in providing a service to our consumers. The example of the CHAMPUS claims processor clearly illustrates how we as Gods coworkers serve the needs of others. Showing how we can treat each situation or person whom we encounter as if God were there treating that situation or person shows us that doing the best work we can and in doing so, we are working for Gods cause and showing ourselves that our work really does matter to God. Along with knowing that our work matters to God, I have found through reading this book that we have certain responsibilities in how we work. Sherman and Hendricks describe it as our workstyle (p.124-127). They convey the idea that our characterthe way we behave,our workstyleour performance or how we do the work we do,and how we relate to authority all determine how we do our work for God in the workplace. Coupled with that, we need to know Gods will in determining the right career for ourselves. Noted as guides for finding Gods will, the authors cite that we should first know the scriptures, then use wisdom and examine Gods design (p. 133-135). Knowing this information has helped me to better understand what I need to do to work more effectively for God in the workplace. It offers me the opportunity of knowing that my work has meaning to God and equips me with the guidelines to make sound choices on my future career decisions. As far as how this book has impacted how I would counsel clients with career problems, is easy enough to answer. I would have to without a doubt recommend this book to them. I would also utilize the tools recommended in this book especially using small groups to review case studies and provide biblical passages to relate how these situations relate to God and our work along with how we can use these passages to bring others to Christ through showing how important their work is to Him (p. 257-260). Having the tools and the resources provided in this book, would allow me to show potential counseling clients with career problems that not only do they need to evaluate their career choices, but that they can be equipped to make this choice knowing that their work matters to God, that they are responsible for the choices they make in the workplace based on biblical principles and that by putting together a career manifesto,they will have a sense of purpose and direction as they search for the job they are most suitable for. This book has been an eye opener for me and I honestly could not find anything that I disagreed with. Believe me I tried. The truth of the matter is though, when you apply your work and all the other aspects of your life to serving God and discovering His will for you in each of these aspects, you find that there is a sense of peace that surpasses mans finite mind of comprehension.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Indiscreet and Indiscrete - Commonly Confused Words

Indiscreet and Indiscrete - Commonly Confused Words The homophones indiscreet and indiscrete are not synonyms. Indiscreet is the more common word. Indiscrete is a technical term primarily used in scientific writing. The adjective indiscreet means imprudent, lacking good judgment, or carelessly talkative. The noun forms of indiscreet  are  indiscreetness  and  indiscretion. The adjective indiscrete means not separated into distinct parts. The noun form of indiscrete is indiscreteness. See also: Discreet and Discrete Examples The lawyers indiscreet remarks to the media provoked an angry response from the judge. Dr. John Watson: One word, Sherlock! That is all I would have needed! One word to let me know that you were alive!Sherlock Holmes: Ive nearly been in contact so many times, but I worried that, you know, you might say something indiscreet.Dr. John Watson: What?Sherlock Holmes: Oh, you know, let the cat out of the bag.(Martin Freeman and  Benedict Cumberbatch in The Empty Hearse. Sherlock, 2014) The indiscrete nucleus does not have a nuclear membrane and is therefore not separate from the cytoplasm. Practice(a) Questions are never _____; answers sometimes are.(Oscar Wilde, An  Ideal Husband)(b) Topology aims to formalize some continuous, _____ features of space. Answers to Practice Exercises Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words200 Homonyms, Homophones, and Homographs Answers to Practice Exercises: Indiscreet and Indiscrete (a) Questions are never indiscreet; answers sometimes are.(Oscar Wilde,  An  Ideal Husband)  (b) Topology aims to formalize some continuous, indiscrete features of space. Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words

Thursday, November 21, 2019

INTB3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

INTB3000 - Essay Example This causes prices to fluctuate. Exports raise money for the exporting country but the amount of money the government makes is low. There are also environmental and cultural issues that cause negativity. Pollution and a loss of cultural identity impose a threat to many developing countries. However, my very biased view was quite challenged when I read about Koffi Annan’s UN program for the 21st century. I was enlightened by the fact that globalization can be used as a tool in alleviating poverty in a poor country. The power of technology can be harnessed to improve agriculture and like the Anglo American corporation, many firms can be socially responsible to employees who are not exactly their fellow citizens. In fact, globalization can make MNE’s help a state or government to provide services indirectly to constituents. A2. As of now, Colorado is also experiencing recession. Many firms have closed due to bankruptcy. Nevertheless, there are still measures that can be done to make globalization work for the said State. Below are my suggestions for the governor. However an in-depth study is required behind each suggestion. A. Economic – Focus on industries that can compete globally. These industries must be innovative, dynamic and must be able to provide good manpower to other companies that need outsourcing. Industry trends must be analyzed carefully so that academe can prepare or train anticipated workforce of the future. ( long-term priority) D. Education – There should be a close collaboration between the industry and the schools. Colorado must be able to match the graduates with the upcoming industry brought about by global companies that may invest in the State. ( long-tem priority) A3 . Indeed, the United States has begun to keep a low-profile in international events. However, it doesn’t mean that it is carrying a big stick. It is just being

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week 4-Happiness Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Week 4-Happiness - Assignment Example At first, I believed on this. However, I came to realize that affluence does not necessarily give someone happiness and being poor also does not automatically make one unhappy (DuBrin, 2011). I am now against my previous notion of judging some careers as substandard and insignificant. Apparently, I fall into adventure category. During life audaciousness made me acquire some values that up-to-date are precious to me. I learnt values like respect and honesty through adventure where I was much curious to understand how members of an organization interrelate harmoniously without the two values. Respect is an important value that leads to the realization of honest in any organization (DuBrin, 2011). Corporations value personnel who uphold honesty and respect, for they comprehend that a good relationship builds trust among employees. Finally, the adventurous spirit enabled me to grow the value of courtesy where I was curious why people could give their seat to pregnant woman or old people and other do not and I come to realize some children will not practice this because they contemplate that they will not receive appreciation. Therefore, my quest prepared me to learn this and endorse that some values we possess are driven by adventures. It is important to know your values for it gives one a tremendous clarity and focus in life. The values that I treasure in my life are; honesty, respect, politeness, happiness, success, peace, fun, security, transparency and adventure (Steve, 2013). Steve has underlined imperative values that are proficient in guiding our compartments at work or in any other areas of our life. Values enable us to act according to our conviction. The value that I desire most is happiness; this is because happiness significantly helps me in attaining life satisfaction (DuBrin, 2011). It assists me overcome stress both at workplace. Happiness also offers me an

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Concept of Demolition Man Essay Example for Free

Concept of Demolition Man Essay * The Hollywood film represents the danger of globalization and cultural and environmental homogeneity, standardization and sanitation. * Friedman argues that because globalization is creating a single marketplace, it is homogenizing consumption and culture and can run the risk of wiping out ecological and cultural diversity throughout the world. In the Cold War system, cultures didn’t interact as frequently or directly as they do today, where they are often offered up for global competition and comparison against one another. Diversity in Globalization * Friedman argues that because globalization is often associated with Americanization, countries need to develop strong cultural and environmental filters so they can interact with but not be overwhelmed and swallowed by the herd. He suggests the most important filter is the ability to â€Å"glocalize,† meaning a culture’s ability to absorb natural influences into their culture yet reject those that are alien—to assimilate aspects of globalization into your culture in a way that adds diversity without overwhelming. * Globalization will be sustainable as long as we manage these filters in a way that protects our culture while simultaneously getting the best out of others’ cultures. Methods for Greening Globalization * Mobilize the environmental entrepreneurs term coined by Keith Algers for an organization meant to stop the logging activities in the rainforest in Brazil while formulating a plan to avoid unemployment among these loggers. Looking at the bigger picture, it implies finding solution to the growing problems of compromise in the industrialized society that environmental protection and economic development can coexist together. * Environmentally Sound Production Methods – Corporations and shareholders should be pressured by the government to adapt new environmental policies. The government hitting companies over the head with both new regulations and new tax incentives to be green, and with SFC telling companies they have to start accurately portraying their environmental liabilities to shareholders—such as where they are being sued for dumping and what the cleaning up cost—there has been a paradigm shift. * Learning how to use globalization itself. Where globalization is an asset is in the fact that it is creating â€Å"Super-empowered environmentalist†, who are acting on their own, can now fight back rather effectively against both the Electronic Herd and governments. Thanks to the Internet, environmentalists in one country are quickly relaying how a multinational behaves in their country to environmentalists in other countries. Preventing cultural homogeneity * GlocalizationHhlksal;kl;ksdsl;adkls;adkals;d—the ability of a culture, when it encounters another strong cultures, to absorb influences that naturally fit into and can enrich that culture, to resist those things that are alien and to compartmentalize those things that, while different, can nevertheless be enjoyed and celebrated as different. * Unhelathy Glocalization—when you absorb something that isn’t part of your culture, doesn’t connect with anything latent in your culture, but you have so lost touch with your culture, you think it does. * Glocalism alone is not sufficient to protect indigenous cultures from globalization. Some hard filters are also needed. To begin with you need zoning laws, protected area laws and educational programs to preserve unique regions and a cultural heritage from insidious homogenous development.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

History of Stem Cells Essay -- Medicine

History of Stem Cells Abstract This paper will be discussing the history of stem cells. There are many different ways to collect stem cells. Stem cells can be used for either right or wrong reasons. People can either use them to cure or to cause harm. Most people use stem cells to cure fatal illnesses. The one researcher that put stem cells out in the science world so people could understand it better was Leroy Stevens. His first encounter with stem cells was with a mouse that had a teratoma. Most people don’t understand the need for stem cells. There are many reasons why we research stem cells. Stem cells can be collected form a wide variety of places. The studies of stem cells have been around for many years. There were many people researching stem cells during the early 1900s, but Leroy Stevens had the greatest impact on the future study of stem cells. The people of ancient civilization were curious about the study of stem cells. Hindus from the thirteen and fourteen centuries BC knew that the result of the fetus would come from mixing two seeds of the parents (Kelly 16). They weren't the only people who wondered about the studies of stem cells. Greek philosopher named Aristotle was also interested in the study of stem cells so he discovered two very important theories. The two theories were Perfomation and Epigenesis (Kelly 16). According to the theory of Peromation, the fetus grows over time (Kelly 16). In contrast, Epigenesis means tat the fetus begins as a generic mass and then different parts are added to the fetus (Kelly 16). - 2 - Researching on mice was began in a Laboratory in Bar Harbor in Maine. In the year of 1953, researcher Leroy Stevens began on an experiment with cancerous mice. This laboratory was awa... ... been beneficial to humans by improving the lives of those who have potentially fatal diseases. In the future of stem cells research more and more fatal diseases will be cured because of the technology gained from stem cells research. That’s why we need to keep on researching stem cells. - 5 - Work cited page 1. Kelly , Evelyn. Stem cells . connecticut : greenwood press , 2007. 2. "What are stem cells and what are they used for?." 24 April 2001. 22 July 2008. 3. n.d. The University of Utah, Genetic Science Learning Center. 26 July 2008 . 4. n.d. Tiantan Puhua Stem Cell Center. 26 July 2008 . 5. n.d. Tiantan Puhua Stem Cell Center. 27 July 2008 .

Monday, November 11, 2019

Skydive Chicago Is One of the United States

a Advantage: * Skydive Chicago is one of the United States’ premier skydiving resorts, serving skydivers ranging in skills from first time jumpers to internationally competitive freefly teams. * Jumpmasters video their student’s jumps. * Students use the feedback these videos provide to identify mistakes. * (student)They often copy their videos onto a personal tape for future reference. * Jumpmasters may also copy well-executed student skydives to the facility’s tape library. Disadvantage: Only in Chicago-Each student in Skydive Chicago’s training program makes a series of progressive training jumps under the direct supervision of a United State Parachute Association Jumper. * Limited -The training program gears each jump toward teaching one or two new skills. * Protection of advantage – All students are given access to the drop zone’s training room and are encouraged to watch video clips in preparation for their next training jump. This step saves jumpmasters, who are paid per jump, considerable time.Jumpmasters also use these videos to evaluate their training method’s effectiveness. – not a good rule to measure.. information system Skydive Chicago’s information system, â€Å"a set of interrelated components, with a clearly defined boundary, working together to achieve a common set of objectives† (INF 620 24), provides several benefits the skydiving student and the company its. Skydive Chicago’s information system assist the skydiving student by allowing the review of his or jump independently, in a flexible interruption and audience free environment.Skydive Chicago’s information system enhances the company itself by enabling the jumpmasters to have more time in their paid capacity, provide examples of ideal jumps, and allows students to separately hone his or her newly acquired skills. Skydive Chicago’s information system allows the supervising jumpmaster, a United Stat e Parachute Association Jumper, to record each of the progressive training jumps of each training program student. The feature allows the students to use the feedback of the provided videos to identify mistakes and independently improve of errors.This component of Skydive Chicago’s information system allows the student to work at his own pace to resolve an identifying issue. This element lets the student progress at a comfortable pace and work on the next flaw after he or she is comfortable with the previous issue. Also, by providing the recorded jumps Skydive Chicago’s information system allows students to review and work on their issues in an interruption-free environment. Students often copy their videos onto a personal tape for future reference; therefore students can also review these tapes away from Skydive Chicago.Having their own copy the jump grants the student the flexibility to review the tapes as they wish including but not limited to home, work, or even th e library. With the ability review the tapes in a distraction free location at their own discretion would assist in the student jumper increasing his skill quicker. By having the ability to review the tapes of their jumps with an audience would assist the student jumpers in subduing his or her insecurities and working on jump issue they are embarrassed of in public.For example, if the jumper had an extreme case of anxiety, he or she can work on relaxing and controlling their breathing for the next jump. Skydive Chicago’s information system the company itself by enabling the jumpmasters to have more time for jumps. The jumpmasters are only paid for the jumps the students perform. By having to provide less instruction to a student, the jumpmaster has more time to participate in jumps; therefore the jumpmaster is working for free when he or she provides instructions and guidance to the student jumper they are working for free.Given that providing instructions and lectures typica lly consume more time then performing an activity the earnings’ rate of the jumper masters are decrease when they are not jumping. Having the Jumpmasters provide tapes well-executed student skydives to the facility’s tape library provides examples of ideal jumps to student and assist as tool to provide a visual effect for a student that does not understand the finding of an issue by a jumpmaster.Also by providing all students access to the drop zone’s training room and are encouraged to watch video clips in preparation for their next training jump. This function also the jumper master to delegate the partial ownership of the ensuring the student is prepared for their next jump to the actual student without leaving the student without anytime of direction. both , provide examples of ideal jumps, and allows students to separately hone his or her newly acquired skills. student in the perform a series of under the direct supervision of Skydive Chicago’sSkydiv e Chicago’s information system the company itself by enabling the jumpmasters to have more time for jumps, provide examples of ideal jumps, and allows students to separately hone his or her newly acquired skills. * Jumpmasters may also copy well-executed student skydives to the facility’s tape library. allowing independent reviewing, interruption-free environment, audience free development. unique challenges to performing any type of deed is the potential lack of an immediate audience, as it is often noted that communication cannot even occur without an audience. ery important to be clear on your instructor’s expectations Location: Determine a location that will allow for an ideal be both inviting and free of distractions support – Place the camera, ideally Remember that you always want yourself to be fully within the frame of the shot, close enough that your facial expressions and any visuals you might use can be easily identified and comprehended but no t so close that you overpower the frame (i. e. you are the only thing in it). Also, it is best if you can have someone film you so that they can make sure that these conditions exist du Leave time at beginning and end.INF 620. McGraw-Hill Create. . a. How can this information system benefit the skydiving student? b. How can this information system benefit Skydive Chicago? c. Draw an Information Systems Model (Figure 1. 19). Fill in your diagram with the information about people, hardware, software, and other resources from this exercise. Be sure that you prepare your Information Systems Model in a software application or tool that can be integrated fully into your MS Word document and delivered to the instructor.Clearly drawn illustrations that are scanned and submitted in . pdf are acceptable along with an MS Word document explaining and supporting parts a and b. Be sure to label your files clearly. Document all sources. a. How can this information system benefit the skydiving stud ent? b. How can this information system benefit Skydive Chicago? c. Draw an Information Systems Model (Figure 1. 19). Fill in your diagram with the information about people, hardware, software, and other resources from this exercise.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Identifying Quantifiable goals for the monitor, control and effectiveness of the marketing plan Essay

In order to evaluate, monitor, and control the effectiveness of the marketing plan, identifying quantifiable elements are detrimental to V-Techs financial gains and holdings. Marketing campaigns are the most costly measurement to the company and the launch of V-Techs Virta Window new product line in its marketing practices needs to show financial accountability. The focus of controlling and effectiveness to quantifiable elements reside in the metrics analysis of: 1. Revenue 2. Sales 3. Lead generation 4. Sales feed back 5. Return on investment 6. Customer retention Once the elements of V-Tech’s marketing campaign is identified, quantifiable goals can be set to counter financial loss and actionable measures can be taken to offset the losses for exchange of returnable gain. To begin identifying the elements of concern, V-Tech accounting management will look at: A. Product B. Place C. Price D. Promotion The product is an innovative technological breakthrough, meant to create real time life and learning experiences for its target audience. The product has little competition but may be hard to catch on in the marketplace and cause resistance within consumers. Quantifiable marketing goals that would need to be set: Be flexible to understanding that new products may need a longer campaign run. Placement metrics track the impact of consumer awareness and the impact of individual campaigns ability to reach marketing goals. Calculating metrics for analysis will determine if the whole of the marketing plan is bringing in more profit than it cost to run. Placement of the products marketing geographical and economic stature is an important  quantifiable element. A metric analysis of location placement will measure the buying power and behavior of the consumer by geographic location. If the product is not selling well in placement, location factors may be that the target areas do not have the right selling class. Geographical metrics indicate a target audience income, medium house hold income, pay scale and if the economics of the area are depressed or thriving for businesses and product buying. The goal would then be to move the marketing campaign into better location areas where purchasing is a stronger asset for the product. Measuring the metrics of geographic locations can also help the company keep a competitive advantage as more technology companies advance to offering consumers a similar product. By being better able to understand consumer behavior by geographic V-Tech will have a higher ROI(return on investment) strengthen their marketing campaigns that keep customer retention, loyalty and target a larger audience base. Pricing by far may be the most important aspect in finding quantifiable controlling elements. A new product of technology changes the whole atmosphere of the market place from how it is developed to the price of manufacturing and distribution. The marketing of V-Techs new product is to reach a broad base of a consumer audience over affordability. This may cause a huge financial loss for the company. The campaign of the marketing needs increasing without the extra-added expenditures to cover the cost of loss and turn a profit. The reasoning behind quantifiable control is marketing the product to show value, and to measure financial gains where the product and marketing campaign will exceed profit and generate profit growth. The goals would then be to do a review of past sales to compare to sales of the new product and build on the strengths that previous campaigns have generated. A metrics analysis can be done in order to find out how many people clicked on an ad from online, what the numbers of new sales are and the percentage of new leads generated. From measuring sale metri cs, the company will be able to tweak the marketing campaign, generate a new marketing design, or repeat the campaign until the marketing goals meets its value. The company will also be able to determine the effectiveness of its Public relations effort in relation to its marketing efforts. A cost saving measurement to the company and the marketing campaign would be to get out in front of the face of the audience. Increase web activity, broaden the scope of social media awareness and depth in which marketing the product can help exceeded sales goals. The promotion of V-Techs product quantifiable control elements are to measure consumer awareness and set goals if the product is failing in brand awareness, website traffic, and not generating the sales lead expectations. Taking advantage of sending out Brand Ambassadors to area store locations and increasing trade market showings will promote and target the customer audiences awareness of the new product, how it is designed and will demonstrate why the consumer has a need to purchase the product. Social media marketing is limitless for brand awareness, in where a campaign can go to reach a borde r target buying audience. The quantifiable elemental goals are to take advantage of the use of the internet’s effectiveness of marketing to cost with web videos, direct coupons to the consumer, customer loyalty incentives, package discounts on education and parental sites. Identifying the quantifiable elements that help to control a marketing plan is an invaluable asset to V-Tech technologies and its new product launch. The analyzed metric data sets timely goals to which the company can redefine its control of marketing execution to increase sales and profits. The wealth of information extracted from the identification process takes on a new format that will find strengths and weakness of the consumer target audience, and will help to keep a competitive advantage as new companies move in the territorial locations of the innovative technology that V-Tech Windows will bring to a new market place.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tay Sachs essays

Tay Sachs essays Tay-Sachs disease is a genetic disorder that occurs in children. This disease causes their central nervous system to breakdown, which in turn is the basis for their death. The disease is named for Warren Tay and Bernard Sachs. Tay-Sachs disease is caused by the absence of an enzyme called Hexosamindase A, which is referred to as Hex-A. The lack of this enzyme causes many metabolic problems for its host because it is necessary for breaking down wastes within the brain. The result of its absence is that it causes an increasing loss of coordination, a progressive inability to swallow, breathing difficulties, blindness, mentally retardation, paralysis, and finally death. The enzyme known as Hex-A is extremely essential for a person to sustain life. This is due to the fact that Hex-A is needed for the body to break down a fatty waste substance found in brain cells. This fatty substance or lipid called GM2 ganglioside accumulates abnormally in cells, especially in the nerve cells of the brain. As wastes are constantly collected, there is a progressive damage to the cells. The destructive process begins in the fetus early in pregnancy, although the disease is not clinically apparent until the child is several months old. By the that time a child with the disease is three or four years old and the nervous system is so badly affected that life itself cannot be supported. The information for the body to make the Hex A enzyme is contained in a gene which is found on chromosome number 15. There are two copies of chromosome number 15 in all the body cells and therefore two copies of the gene that codes for the enzyme necessary for correct brain function. If that gene is changed or mutated, which is what happens in the case of Tay-Sachs disease, the information contained in the gene, and therefore the child, is impaired. The genetic error which is present in Tay-Sachs disease is a mutation on the 15th chromosome, which c ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Raise Money to Publish Your Books

Raise Money to Publish Your Books I receive a dozen requests for money to publish per week. Sometimes more. Some just want me to write them a check. Others want me to point them to a grant that covers all costs. Sometimes I can find a small grant for them to apply to (usually in the hundreds at most), but I always point them toward crowdfunding. Youd be amazed at how many people dont want crowdfunding. The reasons are crazy (and these are from actual emails): 1) You have to work too hard; 2) You have to understand how to do a video; 3) You have to know people to promote to; 4) Part of the money goes to someone else (i.e., the crowdfunding entity); 5) Most crowdfunding doesnt succeed, so the odds of failing make it not worth the trouble; 6) I dont like marketing. Well, sweet people, if you think any of the above, then you really should not be publishingperiod. You will experience all of the above (with maybe the exception of the video) in whatever publishing experience you choose. Writers all over the world are choosing crowdfunding to jump-start their books. In case you do not understand crowdfunding, it consists of this: 1) You study publishing projects on crowdfunding sites to get an idea of what makes for success. 2) You sign up with your project at one of the crowdfunding sites (,,,, 3) You decide how much you need (you pad it with the fee of the crowdfunding entity). 4) You decide what rewards you want to give to pledgers who offer to support your project (you work the expense of those rewards into your budget). 5) You set a time frame for supporters to pledge. 6) You post your video, budget, justification, endorsers, and/or description of your book/project. 7) You work it like a blog, a newsletter, a social media page. 8) You ask for support. You promote. You seek endorsements. Again, you promote. Learn more here: You want money to publish your book? Crowdfund. If you find you arent successful crowdfunding, then step back and study what you need to change, because its your prowess at crowdfunding that serves as a barometer as to how well youd sell any book.with any any any time.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Significance of guitar as a music instrument Essay

Significance of guitar as a music instrument - Essay Example For example, guitarists frequently pull or push strings by their fingertips of their left hand to create notes or to make the note slip downward or upward. By adjusting tuning pegs, guitarists can change the tension of the string in order to produce varied sounds. Guitar provides a rhythmic pulse when combined with singers and other instruments. It is argued that singers are able to maintain the rhythm of a song when accompanied with guitar (National Guitar Workshop, 2003). It helps singers stay on the course and prevent them from going off key as they move from one verse to another. This is arguably true because guitar can produce standard key notes as long as the guitarist is able to maintain the rhythm. In fact, most singers use guitar to trace a forgotten or lost key note in their songs. However, in most cases, guitar is used to support lead instruments and singers’ notes. Some bands use two lead guitars to create interweaving melodies (Miller, 2009). Nevertheless, other bands use one lead guitar to perform instrumental melodies as the second lead guitar provides improvised flourishes. Guitar also provides harmony, especially when a group of notes are played together or in a group. It easily harmonizes other musical instruments in a band (Forman, 1999). In a band with both lead guitar and rhythm guitar, the lead guitarist can produce amazing rhythms when accompanied by rhythm guitar. When solos want to take a break from singing or when translating from one verse to another, guitar helps maintain the rhythm and makes the song more dynamic. It is also argued that guitar also plays the role of a piano if the piano is absent (Miller, 2009). However, it is generally accepted that guitar acts as an instrument that fill out cords and notes that other musical instruments cannot play. In fact, the chords of louder instruments like brasses are covered by guitar. It also